Эпизод 15: Untitled

Published: March 10, 2012, 10:37 p.m.

Intro: Фліт - Вийди моя люба

LulzSec Leader Was Snitch Who Helped Snag Fellow Hackers http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/03/lulzsec-snitch/

Irish LulzSec hacker was an OWASP Chapter leader - http://thesent.nl/ACkT9L

Anonymous Posts Response Letter To Hacker Snitch Sabu (On A Hacked Security Firm's Website) http://onforb.es/yVLMcl (Panda hacked as a result)

BTW, Sabu attended the school where Hackers were shot. Really.

NSA's Secure Android Spec https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2012/03/nsas_secure_and.html

Google Offers $1 Million in Hacker Bounties for Exploits Against Chrome http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/02/google-1-million-dollar-hack-contest/

The Best (and Worst) Antivirus Apps for Android http://lifehacker.com/5891576/the-best-and-worst-antivirus-apps-for-android

Should You Allow Inbound E-mail Over IPv6? https://www.networkworld.com/community/node/79944

How GitHub handled getting hacked http://www.zdnet.com/blog/security/how-github-handled-getting-hacked/10473

Safe Coding and Software Security Infographic https://www.veracode.com/blog/2012/03/safe-coding-and-software-security-infographic/

CISSP moves to VUE https://www.isc2.org/PressReleaseDetails.aspx?id=5448

Outro: Хвост и АукцЫон - Дети