How to “work yourself out of a job” as a Scrum Master | Rachel Macasek

Published: Sept. 17, 2020, 10:05 a.m.

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The advice “work yourself out of a job” may be true, but it is too broad to act on. Rachel breaks that down into a set of simple ideas that she uses in her works as a Scrum Master. We talk about the importance of modeling the right behavior and being a good observer. 

Featured Retrospective Format for the Week: Start/Stop/Continue with a twist

In this segment, Rachel starts by describing the Start/Stop/Continue format, and then takes a different perspective on the “end” of that retrospective format by asking the team “how might we…” questions designed to help the team uncover breakthrough improvements. 


Do you wish you had decades of experience? Learn from the Best Scrum Masters In The World, Today! The Tips from the Trenches - Scrum Master edition audiobook includes hours of audio interviews with SM’s that have decades of experiences: from Mike Cohn to Linda Rising, Christopher Avery, and many more. Super-experienced Scrum Masters share their hard-earned lessons with you. Learn those today, make your teams awesome! 

About Rachel Macasek

Rachel is passionate about individual and team growth. She has fostered an environment of collaboration and continuous improvement in the manufacturing, biotech, and software industries. Currently, Rachel is focused on the power of an individual and recently acquired her Leadership and Performance Coaching certification.

You can link with Rachel Macasek on LinkedIn and connect with Rachel Macasek on Twitter.