200 - An Extra Special Podcast Episode

Published: Oct. 19, 2021, 8 a.m.


Welcome to podcast number 200!

I can\'t believe we\'ve recorded, published, and shared this many episodes. \\xa0It seems like last we just start this a few weeks ago and here we are at episode 200.

In these past few years, I\'ve made many friendships and connections due to the podcast.

This includes all of those who I\'ve gotten to know as a part of our Patreon Extra Credit Round Table that we hold every month.

This podcast episode is a peek into our Extra Credit Club and what it would sound like on our monthly calls. \\xa0

To mark episode 200, those participating in the zoom call got to pick my brain and ask me any questions that were on their minds. \\xa0You are listening to this conversation in today\'s podcast.

So - thank you to all of you who have listened, shared, and became part of the podcast. \\xa0 Thanks to all that are part of our community and for those who back the podcast on Patreon.

And for everyone who was there earlier this month to help record this podcast episode, whether you asked a question or not, thank you!




\\U0001f393 Check out our online courses


Our free Software Defined Radio course will have you up and running with a SDR in a weekend.

Upgrade to our Advanced Course, and learn how to setup SDR Software like a pro.

\\U0001f517 https://www.courses.scannerschool.com



\\u26a0\\ufe0f I want to answer your questions


I am always looking to answer your scanner radio question.

If you have a question you\'d like answered, please leave me a voicemail with your question:

\\U0001f4de 516-308-2885

\\U0001f517 https://www.scannerschool.com/ask



\\U0001f3c6 Thank you Patreon Supporters


Thank you to all monthly Patreon Supporters.

Supporting the podcast can be done for as little as $1 per month.

Supporters at the $3 and $5 level will receive the podcast without the middle commercial break.

Supporters at the $5 level not only receive the podcast early, but they also get access to discount codes, monthly zoom meetings, and Squelchy sticker packs.

\\U0001f517 Join our Patreon program at https://www.scannerschool.com/patreon



\\U0001f3a5 Subscribe to our growing YouTube Channel


We are live once a month on YouTube to answer your questions. 2022 will be the year of Video for Scanner School Be ready for the upcoming videos by subscribing now to our YouTube channel

\\U0001f517 https://www.scannerschool.com/youtube



\\u27a1\\ufe0f Follow Scanner School on Social Media


\\u25b6\\ufe0e Twitter - https://www.scannerschool.com/twitter

\\u25b6\\ufe0e Facebook Page - https://www.scannerschool.com/facebook\\xa0

\\u25b6\\ufe0e Facebook Community - https://www.scannerschool.com/faceboo...

\\u25b6\\ufe0e Instagram - https://www.scannerschool.com/instagram

\\u25b6\\ufe0e TikTok - https://www.scannerschool.com/tiktok\\xa0



All session notes with links to the items we talked about can be found on our website at https://www.scannerschool.com/session200
