
Published: Jan. 14, 2022, 8:37 p.m.

We all worry from time to time and that is quite normal, but if we let these worries get out of hand, we can cause ourselves lots of issues. Worrying is not just sometimes what we do in our minds but is also something that our bodies do on many different levels. It is so easy for our minds to push worry into our bodies, and it can be done on such a deep level of our unconscious mind, we might not even be fully aware of it. If this is happening, we might find that we get a stomach ache, a headache, feel tension, increased blood pressure, elevated levels of cortisol, your neck can become very stiff, we can feel detached from ourselves, your feelings, or your world. Other ways our worries can get pushed within us is by our worries turning into other feelings; we can get reactive, frustrated, angry, agitated, sad, tearful, become aggressive, and we can also step into denial. With all the things I have mentioned, you can start to see that we can turn into an emotional melting pot of responses and feelings. These are only some of the ways we can feel, there are more ways our bodies can respond negatively to stress. So, if you are feeling stressed and you are having different physical feelings, then it might well be coming from the suppression of your worries. Because it is so complex and our mind is so clever in working to protect us, it can cause us to not easily follow where our worries are moving to and to fully understand why we are feeling certain ways.