
Published: Dec. 17, 2021, 11:04 p.m.

b"Last week we were looking at ways to help you switch off from work and allow your mind to relax better and in turn, help you get a better night's sleep. It is important that we support our minds, or they can easily get overwhelmed with things, the more we carry the more difficult it will be to switch off. Let's use the analogy of the library again as this is a great way to help you see better how your mind is working beneath the surface. As we know, if we don't find ways to help our minds switch off then we just take these issues with us to bed. This for many of us will lead to a poor night's sleep, as we toss and turn trying to juggle all these things in our minds. By using the voice memo detox approach, it can help us create a new holding system in our libraries and allow our library assistants to relax more as they know that these items are just placed on hold until you return to work. This keeps that main desk in your library clearer and so, in turn, our mind won't feel so overwhelmed or under pressure with trying to hold onto everything until the next workday. Remember all those approaches need to be right for you, so if the voice memo hasn't worked for you, try typing these things down and emailing them to yourself. Or you can just go old school and put pen to paper and pop the note by your keys, ready to take to work with you."