
Published: March 4, 2021, 10:53 p.m.

Keeping our mood upbeat and bright is essential in protecting our mental health and finding ways to keep us more optimistic when dealing with life’s stresses, can help us.  We all have to accept that there are things in life that we can't change, this being the case getting stuck in the negative thoughts of these situations won’t help you. It’s time to challenge your mindset and get into this more positive way of thinking in as many situations as we can. We have to accept that there will always be some things that we can’t do this for, that is normal - if we had this positivity in every situation that would not be normal either. But what we need to do is try our best to keep the majority of things in that more optimistic way of thinking. Often when things aren't making us happy, we can spend our time overthinking things about what's happened and what may happen. This won't help you or the situation, it will only lead you down the path of lowering your mood and increasing your stress levels. So, it is time to stop this path and choose to stay in that positive lane of thinking, helping to protect your mental health and keep you in a good place.