Top 20 Things I Learned About ForeFlight

Published: Nov. 26, 2019, 11:50 p.m.

Students and new pilots are increasingly flying with tablets and using software that replaces paper charts and documents with the digital equivalents. These applications, such as ForeFlight, are extremely powerful and have a plethora of features. For a pilot just beginning to use ForeFlight, the choices and options seem overwhelming. Valuable features and capabilities can go undiscovered.

In this seminar, we will highlight the most useful features that are relevant for new VFR pilots. We demonstrate how to enable them and then show what they can do. More importantly, we will identify at what point in the flight they should be used, e.g., planning, briefing, arrival, approach, or at the destination.

If you are just beginning to explore the features of ForeFlight and want to deepen your understanding on how to effectively use these great tools, you will want to attend this seminar. Bring your tablet and show up to discover the best features for new pilots.