Idols In America 3 #normankissinger #NK #RTTBROS #nightlight

Published: Jan. 13, 2024, 5:28 p.m.

b'Idols In America 3 #normankissinger #NK #RTTBROS #nightlight\\n\\nIsaiah 2:8 in the KJV:\\n\\nTheir land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made.\\n\\nIdolatry is a sin that has plagued mankind since ancient times. As Pastor Norman points out, idols originate in the human heart before being expressed through the work of our hands. Anything we elevate above God becomes an idol.\\n\\nWhile actual carved idols may be less common today, the idolatrous impulse remains. We are prone to worshiping ourselves, putting our desires ahead of God\'s will. Career ambition, materialism, pleasure-seeking - these modern idols still lead us astray.\\n\\nExamining our lives can reveal these false gods. What do you spend the most time thinking about or pursuing? What commands your money and attention? Even good things like family can become idols if they displace God from His rightful place.\\n\\nThe antidote to idolatry is fixing our eyes on Jesus. He alone is worthy of our worship and allegiance. As we behold Him, lesser loves grow dim. A heart filled with Christ has no room for rivals.\\n\\nIdolatry grieves God\'s heart. He wants us to experience the joy of prioritizing our relationship with Him above all else. When we tear down the altars where we have sacrificed time, talents, and treasures to modern idols, God will bless us.\\n\\nMay the Lord give us grace to recognize and renounce the hidden idols of our hearts. As we yield fully to Him, we will find true meaning, purpose, and satisfaction in Christ alone. He created us to worship Him, and we will never be content until He occupies the throne.\\n\\nLet us echo the cry of the ancient psalmist: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."'