Full Time Social Director: Debbie Brown Episode 15

Published: May 2, 2016, 8 a.m.

b"Debbie Brown will talk to us about how you can become a full-time social director in your own church. You can listen to the show at http://rockyourretirement.libsyn.com/full-time-social-director-episode-015\\nHow did Debbie Brown Become a Full-Time Social Director of her church?\\n\\nDebbie Brown started her career as a banker teaching computers to other bankers.\\xa0 After 14 years, her husband, who was the principal of a private school, asked her to come work at his school as a teacher. Debbie was a schoolteacher for students from 6th grade up through 12th grade in private and public schools. After 30 years of teaching Debbie retired in\\n2015.\\xa0 That's when she became a full-time Social Director for the church.\\xa0 Now she spends time visiting church members and spreading happiness and joy.\\xa0 What a great way to spend retirement!\\nSOCIAL AND FAMILY\\n\\n* Now that Debbie is retired, she loves being able to spend time with her family and watch her grand kids.\\n* As a retiree, she can spend time planning meals and cooking.\\n* She really is a full-time social director:\\xa0She has Oscar parties each year complete with a red carpet and swag bags!\\n\\nADVENTURE AND TRAVEL\\n\\n* Debbie enjoys being able to travel whenever she wants to and being in control of her own time, this is one of the best advantages of being retired!\\xa0 You can do this too.\\n* She loves to go on cruises with her husband and children.\\xa0 Even if you do not have a family, you can go on cruises too!\\xa0 There are cruising companies that cater to singles.\\n* She likes to take mini vacations during the week when everyone is working and it is less crowded.\\xa0 What a great idea!\\xa0\\xa0 Retirees have more control over their schedule so can go places when there are fewer people there.\\n\\nVOLUNTEER AND PHILANTHROPY\\n\\n* Debbie is a Pastor\\u2019s Wife and spends time on church activities and visiting with people, she's the unofficial social director of the church.\\xa0\\xa0 Think about it.\\xa0 ANYONE could become an unofficial full-time social director.\\xa0 YOU could do this at your own place of worship!\\n* She is planning on starting her own Bible study, which will help the members get together more often than once a week and will help them learn more about the beliefs of the church, whose membership has a wide diversity of backgrounds.\\n\\nHEALTH\\n\\n\\n* Staying active and healthy is important to Debbie. She does not want to be too sick or frail to play with her grandchildren and do the things she loves.\\n* She works out 3 days a week and has started working with a personal trainer.\\n\\nWhat do you think people should know BEFORE they retire?\\n\\n* You can live on less money and it all works out so you can still do what you want.\\n\\nWe have a lot of listeners who are new retirees or maybe feel stuck in their lives at the moment.\\xa0 If you were sitting across the table from a new retiree, what\\u2019s the one piece of advice that you would give to have a successful retirement? \\n\\n* Get involved. Get involved in your community, with your family, church – just get involved. Don\\u2019t just sit around and stare at the computer or stare at the TV.\\xa0 (I can personally\\xa0learn a lot from this advice!)\\n\\nContact information:\\xa0http://www.lakechurch.org/\\nhttp://traffic.libsyn.com/rockyourretirement/015_R_Debbie_Brown_160208_IFinalcs2.mp3"