Will Biden's Weakness Cause Russia and China to Pounce after the Winter Olympics?

Published: Dec. 13, 2021, 5:19 a.m.

b"As scary as the thought of war is for Taiwan and the Ukraine, the actions of President Biden and even Kamala Harris in her foreign policy incompetence does not bode well for these countries. What happens after the winter Olympics in February?\\xa0 Have Russia's Putin and China's Xi spoken about expanding territories like Hitler and Stalin once spoke about in secret in dividing Poland to start World War II?\\xa0Doc Holliday\\xa0digs into these issues with an important clip from a speech that\\xa0Senator Ted Cruz\\xa0gave on the senate floor last week.\\xa0 Very important actions are needed immediately from the U.S. Senate and where are the Democrats?\\xa0 Listen to this important show and Doc also touches on the inflation fears with a clip from Donald Trump, Jr. and some unbelievable quotes from the richest man in the world about the Biden Build Back Better social spending spree bill. Click on now for a great show!"