Welcome To the United States of Socialism

Published: March 15, 2021, 4:06 a.m.

b"Well they did it. The democrats in Congress and President Biden have teamed up to make America a socialist nation. Never thought that we would see the day when socialism would rule in America, but Joe Biden has proven that he is no moderate. Senator Bernie Sanders must be proud knowing that everything that he wanted as a Socialist is almost achieved in the first month of socialist Joe Biden.\\xa0 Sad but true, and\\xa0Doc Holliday\\xa0gives his account of how the so called American Relief Act has turned America into a socialist country. Doc also reaches back to the election or for the Biden faithful let's just say he circles back and tells about even more alleged fraud.\\xa0 And don't forget Doc's new segment toward the end of the program that he is calling Crypto Corner where he takes a drone-like\\xa0overview of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies so that you the listener can better understand these new technologies. We know that some of you are well advanced into understanding cryptocurrencies but many of you really don't know much about them. Doc Holliday will spend a short time each week to help you understand the basics. As our government is printing more and more money, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies may stand out as a way to prevent the government from taking away your hard earned income through government induced inflation! Click on now for another insightful show!"