The Green Wave of Politics in the 2018 Mid-Term Elections

Published: Nov. 12, 2018, 5 a.m.

b'Last week\'s elections did not turn into a blue wave or a red wave, but they were most definitely a green wave.\\xa0 Why?\\xa0 Because money flowed from the liberal billionaires in unprecedented fashion and in a lot of tight races it probably made the difference. But the mid-term elections are over (for the most part) and in this week\'s show Doc Holliday goes over the results and talks about the still unknown outcomes in Arizona and Florida.\\xa0 Doc plays some clips with Florida\'s Governor Rick Scott and also President Trump.\\xa0 Listen to a clip from the Beatles as they sing, "I\'m A Loser."\\xa0 A lot happened last week and there is a lot to listen to on this week\'s Rock Splitting Politics, so click on now.