Rock Splitting Politics What Is At Stake In This Election?

Published: Aug. 8, 2016, 4 a.m.

b'Have you ever considered what is at stake in this upcoming presidential election? \\xa0Doc Holliday ( takes the time in this week\'s show to remind everyone why we need to fight for freedom.\\xa0 He reminds us about what happened on June 6, 1944 and why this election can have a connection to that day.\\xa0 Doc also plays some clips from Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to compare and contrast the respective parties\' nominees.\\xa0 We are in for a wild and crazy election season that has already left us out of breath and speechless in some cases.\\xa0 Doc gives some points that everyone who loves freedom needs to hear, so click on right now for a show that explains why we should fight for the values we hold dear.'