Rock Splitting Politics Voters in Alabama Decide This Week Who Will Be Their New U.S. Senator

Published: Dec. 11, 2017, 5 a.m.

b'Doc Holliday\\xa0went to Fairhope, Alabama last week to hear Judge Roy Moore and Steve Bannon speak.\\xa0 He also spoke to people there at the rally.\\xa0 Who should the people of Alabama vote for in the special senate election?\\xa0 Listen to this week\'s show as Doc Holliday shares his thoughts on this political race being watched from around the country and even around the world.\\xa0 Doc Holliday plays some clips from American Family Radio\'s Bryan Fischer and reads some from Ann Coulter\'s article about the race in Alabama.\\xa0 Doc also uses this\\xa0voter guide (\\xa0to help enlighten the people of Alabama to the differences between the candidates.\\xa0 He also has some things to say about the FBI and investigations and investigators during the opening of the show.\\xa0 Click on for a show about the Alabama special senate election and be sure to send this link out to all your friends in the state of Alabama.'