Rock Splitting Politics Trump's On A Roll

Published: Dec. 5, 2016, 5 a.m.

b'Rock Splitting Politics takes a look at what President-Elect Trump is doing and how he is changing the expectations of his presidency.\\xa0 Doc Holliday ( explores how Trump is non-traditional and how his cabinet is shaping up.\\xa0 On this week\'s show Doc also plays a clip from election night as NBC\'s international correspondent, Richard Engle, deplores the election of Trump.\\xa0 For some fun, Doc Holliday also goes back to some MSNBC anchors and their takes on Donald Trump entering the presidential race more than a year and a half ago.\\xa0 Don\'t miss the fun parts but there was one MSNBC reporter who actually predicted how Trump would win over 6 months ago.\\xa0 Click on this week\'s show to learn and enjoy!'