Rock Splitting Politics Trump's Inauguration Week

Published: Jan. 16, 2017, 5 a.m.

b"After eight years of liberal leftist dominance in government, America's 45th president will be sworn in on the steps of the U.S. Capitol at noon on January 20th.\\xa0 Donald Trump will become our President and America will change.\\xa0 Will it be for the better?\\xa0 Listen to Doc Holliday this week as he covers what will be important and on the second half of the show he will be playing clips from the some of the confirmation \\xa0hearings that were held last week.\\xa0 Hear Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions, Al Franken, Dick Durbin.\\xa0 You can also hear a clip of President-elect Donald Trump.\\xa0 Hang on to your hopes and dreams because help is on the way----and Doc Holliday, Lord willing, will be there at the inauguration so he will have first hand details of the transition of power in future shows.\\xa0 Click on now to get ready for change!