Rock Splitting Politics The GOP House Releases Its Less than Stellar Healthcare Bill

Published: March 13, 2017, 4 a.m.

b'Join Doc Holliday as he uses clips from U.S. Senator Rand Paul and others to breakdown the GOP House healthcare bill.\\xa0 See what Doc likes about the bill and what he dislikes as the journey to repeal and replace Obamacare continues.\\xa0 What about the international scene, is President Trump about to be tested by North Korea?\\xa0 Hear what Doc Holliday has to say and be ready.\\xa0 Keep your eyes open both domestically and internationally in the next few weeks.\\xa0 Once again, Rock Splitting Politics puts you on the front seat of what you need to know now.\\xa0 Click on and listen to a show that dives into the long anticipated but mostly disappointing GOP House healthcare bill.'