Rock Splitting Politics The Clinton's Russian Collusion and an Update on ISIS

Published: Oct. 30, 2017, 4 a.m.

b'Well. well. well, the Russian collusion story seems to be boomeranging back on the Democratic Party.\\xa0 Doc Holliday ( speaks out on the news that broke out last week about Russian collusion by the Clinton campaign.\\xa0 Another Republican senator decides not to seek re-election and Doc plays a clip from our friend and insightful reporter Todd Starnes which you may find enlightening and funny about Senator Jeff Flake from Arizona.\\xa0 Doc plays a clip from Sean Hannity to help you understand what happens when news starts breaking like it did last week against the Clintons.\\xa0 And this week author Dan Perkins ( helps us better understand where we are in the fight against ISIS.\\xa0 Click on now for some real Rock Splitting Politics!'