Rock Splitting Politics Presidential Debates and a Christmas Unlike Any Other

Published: Dec. 21, 2015, 1:04 p.m.

b'We have had the last GOP and Democratic Presidential debates for the year. \\xa0The days are counting down to the Iowa caucuses \\xa0and the New Hampshire primary. \\xa0What do you need to know? \\xa0Listen to this week\'s show as Doc Holliday (\\xa0brings home the bacon of what is going down in both political parties. \\xa0Will the Republicans choose Trump, Cruz, or Rubio---or does anyone else have a Christmas miracle up their sleeve to get into the mix? \\xa0Will Bernie Sanders learn to fight to win or just be a has been? \\xa0Hillary Clinton sits in the catbird seat and Doc will tell you why. \\xa0And Doc Holliday has a Christmas story unlike any other in his life because his dad passed away last week----but there is joy in his passing. \\xa0And Doc reaches deep into the soul of America to speak about what happened to his grandmother during World War II. \\xa0A\\xa0blessing coming from adversity that blends right in with this season of "good news" to all people everywhere.'