Rock Splitting Politics Politics, Presidential Hopefuls, and 2nd Amendment Insights

Published: Feb. 2, 2015, 5 a.m.

b'Come on in and listen to this week\'s Rock Splitting Politics as Doc Holliday asks the question, "Who is holding the Republicans feet to the fire?"\\xa0 And you get to hear the second half of Joshua Bernstein\'s interview as he counts down who he believes is the best Republican to become our next president.\\xa0 But that is not all for this week\'s show as Larry Pratt from Gun Owners of America returns to Doc Holliday\'s Rock Splitting Politics to give his expert insights concerning our 2nd amendment.\\xa0 Great show, great guests, and a time to sit back and become a better informed American!\\xa0 Tell me something good---it\'s just a few minutes ahead.'