Rock Splitting Politics "Pay for Play" Clinton Foundation Accusations

Published: Sept. 5, 2016, 4 a.m.

b'Doc Holliday ( puts the magnifying glass on just what Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State had in common with the so called non-profit Clinton foundation. \\xa0When there is lots and lots of smoke, does it necessarily mean that there is a fire? \\xa0Doc Holliday takes a look at the accusations and the impending effect on the presidential election. \\xa0But on the second half of the show you will hear about Trump\'s triumphant week last week as he met with the president of Mexico and made a dramatic immigration speech that had been anticipated for some time. There never seems to be a dull moment in this presidential race as the pol numbers reflect that Trump is gaining ground on Hillary. \\xa0Get your week informed with this week\'s Rock Splitting Politics! \\xa0Tune in now!'