Rock Splitting Politics Iowa Sets the Stage

Published: Feb. 1, 2016, 5 a.m.

b'An unprecedented week in history when it comes to modern Presidential politics as the leading Republican candidate refused to take the debate stage with his fellow candidates last week in Iowa.\\xa0 And Iowans caucus this week! \\xa0Doc Holliday ( has his own take of some of the historic events last week and you will be surprised who Doc Holliday thinks could end up on the short list for vice president.\\xa0 Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, John Kasich, Ben Carson or any of the other candidates could be lifted up or put \\xa0down this week.\\xa0 Listen to Doc Holliday and understand why how we announce verses in the Bible from now on may be determined by the evangelical community in Iowa this week.\\xa0 Great politics, great commentary, and great radio!\\xa0 Click on now and be a part of history to see how you should get involved in this 2016 election for the direction of \\xa0America!'