Rock Splitting Politics Has the Obama/Clinton/Kerry Team Placed Us on the Doorsteps of World War III?

Published: Oct. 5, 2015, 4 a.m.

b'Wow! An unbelievable question that now is more serious than a heart attack! \\xa0Doc Holliday ( has an exclusive clip with U.S. Senator John McCain and he tells Doc that this administration and President Obama has done something that is absolutely the most unbelievable thing that he has ever heard. \\xa0You get Doc Holliday\'s perspective on the dangerous situation in the Middle East and the world----and Doc uses the words of Barak Obama to build his case for the rudderless leadership from this losing team of Obama/Clinton/ Kerry. \\xa0If Hillary Clinton hit the reset button with Russia when she was Secretary of State then Dear God help us if she ever gets anywhere near the nuclear buttons. \\xa0Her leadership directed by President Obama has planted the seeds of chaos that we are seeing across the globe right now. \\xa0Doc uses clips from the Values Voters Summit just held in Washington, D.C. and gives his inside perspective on some of the presidential candidates who spoke\\xa0there like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz. Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, Lindsey Graham, and Ben Carson. \\xa0This is one show you must listen too right now and send it out to all your friends! \\xa0Click on now!'