Rock Splitting Politics Exclusive Doc Holliday Audio Clips and Campaign Updates

Published: April 27, 2015, 12:04 p.m.

b'Join Doc Holliday as he goes back into the past to replay some of his exclusive audio clips that reflect what Rock Splitting Politics has done to bring our listeners unique conservative insights. \\xa0Exclusive clips from Governor Mike Huckabee, Congressman Dave Brat, U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, David Rubin, and others. Doc Holliday has reached deep into the political battlefield over the past few years and he continues to bring a fresh perspective into how important the sense of urgency is that we must change Washington. \\xa0Doc continues with his campaign theme that Washington is sick and Doc Holliday has the cure. \\xa0Doc is proud that his listeners have contributed into his campaign efforts and it is not too late for you to do so even now. \\xa0Go to his website and become a partner in the movement to bring about a conservative renaissance in America. \\xa0Let\'s get started by helping Doc Holliday get elected in Mississippi\'s First Congressional District on the May 12th special election. \\xa0We hope that you will join the effort. \\xa0Doc Holliday reminded a debate crowd last week in Tupelo, Mississippi, that he has a fading card that says, "Ronald Reagan, First Supporter 1979, Mr. Ed Holliday." \\xa0Doc Holliday wants to remember each of his listeners as a first supporter here in 2015. Let us not allow our liberties to fade away and leave our children and grandchildren in tyranny.'