Rock Splitting Politics Even Trump's Inauguration Spills into Left-wing Controversy

Published: Jan. 9, 2017, 5 a.m.

b'Are you going to the Presidential inauguration?\\xa0 American left-wingers want to make that even controversial.\\xa0 Have you heard about the band from the historically black college in Talladega, Alabama?\\xa0 Controversy has struck by left-wing extremists who do not want young Americans to participate in a peaceful transition of power. \\xa0Doc Holliday ( covers that in this week\'s show and also has political comments from a CNN clip about the inauguration from Trump senior adviser Katrina Pierson.\\xa0 And not only will you hear from Katrina Pierson\'s comments now but Doc Holliday will play you an exclusive clip from when Katrina was on his show several years ago about why she got involved in politics.\\xa0 On the second half of the show Doc speaks with political reporter Chad Groening about what we may see going forward into 2017.\\xa0 Great show to get you ready for the presidential inauguration and Rock Splitting Politics \\xa0in 2017!\\xa0 Remember that Doc will be going to the inauguration and will give you first hand accounts when he gets back.'