Rock Splitting Politics Election Week! Boom and Bust and Who Gets Left in the Dust

Published: Nov. 3, 2014, 5 a.m.

b'Doc Holliday (\\xa0delivers an election week program to get you prepared for what is ahead. \\xa0This show will be updated on November the 5th\\xa0to give you Doc\'s latest unique analysis post election. \\xa0As the mid-term elections happen in the most uncertain era of Ebola fright, crazy Halloween nights, Middle East and American soil\\xa0be-headings, immigration reforms planned unilaterally by President Obama, defense department downscaling as\\xa0air strikes\\xa0increase, and an onslaught of mismanagement by the White House, how will America handle the crisis in leadership? \\xa0How will Americans decide to vote? \\xa0Listen to Doc\'s commentary and listen also to his guest once again this week, author\\xa0Lowell\\xa0Ponte (, who will tell you about potential abilities of a major union to be able to illegally influence this election! \\xa0Doc and Lowell will discuss many issues pertinent to this election and America\'s future. \\xa0Lowell also gives every listener an opportunity to order a free book with no charge for shipping? \\xa0Need an early Christmas gift? \\xa0What are you waiting for, click on now and don\'t forget to Like Doc\'s\\xa0FaceBook\\xa0page ( where you will get up to date news on the elections!