Rock Splitting Politics Doc Holliday Speaks with Larry Pratt about the Future of the Second Amendment

Published: June 20, 2016, 4 a.m.

b'Doc Holliday ( opens this week\'s show with a sad note about the most recent terrorist attack on America\'s home soil in Orlando.\\xa0 What should America do?\\xa0 Do we deep six the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution?\\xa0 Even without the atrocity in Orlando, if Clinton is elected president will the second amendment be as good as gone?\\xa0 Tough questions and on this week\'s show Doc Holliday puts the listener on a front row seat with one of the most up to date experts in America on the second amendment----Larry Pratt ( of Gun Owners of America.\\xa0 You must listen to this intriguing interview, so click on now!'