Rock Splitting Politics Doc Holliday Goes to the Value Voter's SummitAnd Hillary Calls Him Deplorable!

Published: Sept. 19, 2016, 4 a.m.

b"Politics are raging and rocks are cracking and polls are moving so this week you will want to hear what went on in Washington, D.C. at the Value Voters Summit last week. \\xa0Doc Holliday was there and he has an exclusive interview where he and Academy Award winning Actor Jon Voight share a niche of creativity about this presidential election. \\xa0How about Hillary calling Trump supporters deplorable? \\xa0She did that as the Value Voter's Summit was in session, and we heard her loud and clear. \\xa0Does she really despise these tens of millions of Americans? \\xa0Donald Trump is moving up in the polls and Doc Holliday tells you why that is happening. \\xa0Doc also mentions Champion the Vote and what they are seeking to do for conservative voters. \\xa0Get ready for what you need to know about this 2016 election. \\xa0Click on now for this week's show!"