Rock Splitting Politics Democrats in the Senate Report on the CIA Interrogations

Published: Dec. 15, 2014, 5 a.m.

b"Join Doc Holliday as he uses clips from the White House and the former vice president of the United States, Dick Chaney, to explore the report from the U.S. Senate Intelligence report. \\xa0Did these democrats who released the report put our soldiers at risk? \\xa0Do the Democrats have a responsibility in the middle of the war on terror to protect our troops and our citizens? \\xa0Click on this week's show to find out what Doc Holliday has to say about the Democrat's release of the U.S. Senate's Intelligence Committee's report. \\xa0This week Doc Holliday also shares what he has learned from Dr. Alveda King as she has just returned from Ferguson, Missouri. \\xa0And Doc details the politics of the lame duck session of Congress and its approach to funding our government for now. \\xa0There is much to learn and much to contemplate during this Christmas season so click on the show (Doc puts in a couple of musical clips for fun) and don;t forget to visit our Facebook page for more stories during the week!"