Rock Splitting Politics Deciphering the Midterm Elections

Published: Nov. 10, 2014, 5 a.m.

b'Doc Holliday ( joins experienced political reporter Chad\\xa0Groening (\\xa0to break down just what the midterm elections mean. What is the importance of Republicans taking over the U.S. Senate? \\xa0And just who does Doc Holliday think is the biggest winner from the election evening? \\xa0Governors, senators, and representatives across the nation were elected last Tuesday night and their effect on the future is the subject of this week\'s show. \\xa0Doc has some cutting edge insights along with his guest this week. \\xa0What does the reelection of governors \\xa0Scott Walker and John\\xa0Kasich\\xa0mean for the presidential sweepstakes? \\xa0As the Republicans reach out to women and minorities how did these elections go? \\xa0Click on and sit back to hear things here that you will not hear anywhere else.!'