Rock Splitting Politics Cruz Wrestles Against the Trump-Kasich Alliance

Published: April 4, 2016, 4 a.m.

b"Phyllis Schlafly is Doc Holliday's guest this week.\\xa0 She has endorsed Donald Trump and Doc Holliday has endorsed Ted Cruz for president.\\xa0 Phyllis Schlafly has been to every Republican presidential convention since 1952!\\xa0 Her experience and expertise in conservative politics is absolutely extraordinary and you can listen to her wisdom even as Doc questions why she is choosing Trump over Cruz.\\xa0 Will sparks fly like on the campaign trail or can two conservatives respect each other's choice and build the unity that will be needed to defeat Hillary Clinton in November? And why does Doc Holliday declare a Trump-Kasich alliance? For the sake of America's future you better listen to Rock Splitting Politics as Doc plays clips from Trump, Cruz, and the rock band U-2.\\xa0 Doc will give you his insights and you will love listening to Phyllis Schlafly and so much more----so click on now and better send this week's show to all your friends and relatives around the country.\\xa0 This show is ripe for this political season----and you can say you heard it first here on Rock Splitting Politics! Don't forget to order Doc's new book, Bedrock Truths!"