Rock Splitting Politics Confederate Monuments and Nazi Book Burning

Published: Aug. 21, 2017, 4 a.m.

b"Step on up to the plate and take a swing at our diminishing respect for history.\\xa0 Who said history repeats itself and why?\\xa0 Nazi book burning has been deplored by freedom lovers for decades but now we have Democrats who want to do the same washing of history as the Nazis?\\xa0 In an unusual episode of Rock Splitting Politics listen as\\xa0Doc Holliday\\xa0uses some famous words of a Republican president to ask why should we act as the Nazi did when the Nazis burned books?\\xa0 Listen to this week's show and ask yourself, where are in in America and just who is working to erase our history?\\xa0 And why do they want to erase history instead of studying history and learning from it.\\xa0 Click on now for this week's show that will take us back to a battlefield of the American War Between the States."