Peter Strzok Struts with a Smirk!

Published: July 16, 2018, 12:54 p.m.

b'Last week Peter Strzok testified before Congress and he did so with a smirk.\\xa0 Doc Holliday talks about his testimony and plays a clip from the testimony as Congressman Trey Gowdy asks questions.\\xa0 The hearing room broke down into partisan clamor and Peter Strzok ending the hearing with his smirk intact.\\xa0 Was that good for the Republicans or the Democrats or for the truth in America?\\xa0 Doc Holliday helps iron that question out.\\xa0 Doc also speaks about President Trump and his week last week in Europe and why Congressman James Clyburn may be looking to run for Speaker of the House if the Democrats take over the house in November.\\xa0 Click on for another great show!'