Larry Elder Could Become California's First Black Governor in History!

Published: Aug. 30, 2021, 6:30 a.m.

b"Wow, when conservatives feel like the socialists and the progressive democrats that they control seem to have all the power, then conservative talk show host\\xa0Larry Elder\\xa0actually has a chance to become California's first black governor ever, well, you know that miracles can still give freedom loving people hope.

Yes, it is true, California's Gov. Newsom is up for recall, and if he is recalled then the top vote getter on that ballot will become California's next governor.

Larry Elder is running and he is the leading candidate in the polls against Newsom.\\xa0 He would be California's first black governor.\\xa0 His politics could bring healing to a state that is running out of control by letting tens ot thousands of criminals out of prison early, where organized gangs are stealing from businesses as police watch, homelessness is in unprecedented numbers across the state, and rolling blackouts are hurting businesses and families alike.\\xa0

California needs help and Larry Elder wants to lend a helping hand as its next governor.\\xa0 Listen to this week's show as\\xa0Doc Holliday\\xa0uses a clip from an interview of Larry Elder by Pastor Jack Gibbs and a clip from the Hannity show on Fox News. Rock Splitting Politics are happening now---just how many rock will be split in California? Listen to find out!.

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