Kanye's Invisible Wall? Why More and More Black Americans Are Voting Republican!

Published: Oct. 15, 2018, 4 a.m.

b'Doc Holliday has put together the most "Rock Splitting Politics" show that can ever be imagined.\\xa0 Why?\\xa0 Because the Guardians of the Democrat\'s Galaxy depend highly on an overwhelming 90% of the African American vote to elect their left wing politicians.\\xa0 In this week\'s important show hear clips from Kanye West at the White House, Michigan\'s candidate for U.S. Senate, John James, Turning Point\'s Candace Owens, and exclusive interviews with Coalition of African American Pastors, Rev. William Owen, and Maryland\'s candidate for U.S. Senate Tony Campbell---and so much more.\\xa0 Listen to Doc Holliday as he unpacks Kanye West\'s Invisible Wall comments.\\xa0 Here is a show you want to hear and send out the links!\\xa0 Rocks are indeed splitting and you can hear about it right here and on our FaceBook page.'