It's the Economy, Stupid!

Published: May 24, 2021, 10:54 a.m.

b"This week\\xa0Doc\\xa0Holliday\\xa0takes an in depth view of the U.S. economy today as he uses the famous line from Bill Clinton's successful presidential run in 1992. It is the economy and we do have stupid people in high places pouring sand into our economic engines.

Listen to Doc\\xa0Holliday's take on why universal income will not work----hint, we are already trying it out!\\xa0 And don't forget about how the jobs numbers on the first Friday in May shocked the financial press.

Next week Doc\\xa0Holliday\\xa0will discuss free speech in America with his special guest,\\xa0 attorney Alan Dershowitz. Click on now for what you need to know about our economy!"