Illegal Immigration Politcies by Biden Are Producing Chaos on Our Southern Border

Published: Sept. 20, 2021, 4:01 a.m.

b"Illegal Immigration Politcies by Biden Are Producing Chaos on Our Southern BorderDon't look now but the Southern border is nothing more than the continuation of the Biden-Harris disaster team.\\xa0 T

heir disater team comes from the failed people who have proven to be failures in leaving Afghanistan and in keeping America safe by having a strong border. We as a nation are in trouble and on this week's show\\xa0Doc Holliday\\xa0uses clips from Fox News with Senators Ted Cruz and John Kennedy about our chaotic immigration situation.\\xa0 Doc also speaks of the sad failure just released last week about the report of a drone attack in the last days in Afghanistan, well, that report was wrong. The American drone attack that reportedly killed an ISIS suicide bomber was discovered to have killed 7 children and 3 civilians in a tragic mistake.\\xa0 We are in some sad days with a leadership team that is unhealthy and sad themselves. America deserves better so listen to this week's show with that in mind. Who could lead America much better than this present administration? Tune in for this week's show now!"