Free Speech In America Is Fading Away

Published: May 10, 2021, 6:16 a.m.

b'Listen to this week\'s show about how free speech in America is fading away.\\xa0Doc Holliday\\xa0uses some clips from Adam Corolla and Dennis Prager in their movie about free speech called "No Safe Places."

Doc uses the continued ban from FaceBook about former President Trump to make a point and he also lets\\xa0America know how important it is to have free speech. Doc uses a clip from Hannity with the U.S.\\xa0Senator Lindsey Graham to speak about the agenda to stop free speech.

Before Doc gets to free speech he also updates us on the Arizona vote audit and the dismal jobs report from last week (with Biden\'s odd\\xa0response.) Click on now for a show all Americans should listen to right now!'