Dr. James Stroud Educates Us More About Bitcoin, Coinbase, and Cryptocurrencies

Published: May 3, 2021, 8:09 a.m.

b"Dr. James Stroud who helped found his own cryptocurrency,\\xa0Stealth (XST), comes on this week's show to further educate us about Bitcoin, Coinbase, and cryptocurrencies in general.

Once again, we are trying to help those who have not dipped their toes into the blockchain technologies and how Bitcoin works. Doc Holliday leads the discussion with Dr. Stroud in a way to help everyone better understand how our financial future is developing more and more everyday.

Dr. James Stroud has been around cryptocurrencies from the early years and he provides his expertise into the fast moving field. Join\\xa0Doc Holliday\\xa0for another fascinating discussion and listen for mentions about DOGE and HARMONY (ONE) and what Dr. Stroud thinks about those coins. In the first part of the show Doc plays a\\xa0 short clip from the Academy award winning actor, Jon Voight. Don't miss this week's show because it may be the light that you need to see through the financial complexities of blockchain cryptocurrencies! Click on now!!"