Deal Allows the Federal Government to Re-open (Temporarily!)

Published: Jan. 28, 2019, 5:01 a.m.

b'President Trump spoke outside the White House last week and announced a political deal to re-open the government.\\xa0 Why?\\xa0 What purpose will it serve the President, or Speaker Pelosi?\\xa0 Doc Holliday explores these answers this week on Rock Splitting Politics.\\xa0 He understands how a 3 week retrieve could start an even bigger fire.\\xa0 But Doc doesn\'t stop there as he speaks about Roger Stone being arrested by the Mueller team and how CNN "just happened to be ready to film the entire raid on his home."\\xa0 America keeps seeing the rocks of politics splitting and crumbling down.\\xa0 Click on for another investment of liberty by listening to this week\'s show on Rock Splitting Politics!'