Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, and America's Future! What You Need to Know!

Published: March 29, 2021, 8:20 a.m.

b"Doc Holliday\\xa0interviews a founder of many cryptocurrency\\xa0projects, Brock Pierce. What do you know about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies? Do you even know how to buy Bitcoin or how it is different\\xa0from all the other cryptocurrencies?Have you ever heard of the cryptocurrency,\\xa0Harmony\\xa0(ONE), which we have on our webpage now? Many questions like why is it important for Americans to take Bitcoin and blockchain technology so seriously? Even if you don't want to know about Bitcoin for yourself, you owe it to your children and the ones that you love to listen to this week's show to better understand what is coming to change our world. Click on now for a show that may be the most important show that you hear this year!"