PLUS 0037 Investigating the Roswell Investigation

Published: Oct. 19, 2021, 3:05 p.m.

b'PLUS EPISODE #0037 INVESTIGATING THE ROSWELL INVESTIGATION\\nRichard welcomes a veteran law enforcement officer and author who uses forensic statement analysis and his thousands of hours of training and experience to review the cultural influence, historical context, and eyewitness testimony of those closest involved in the alleged Roswell UFO incident.\\nGuest: Greg Lawson\\n\\xa0is a 30-year law enforcement officer, professional investigator, police academy and collegiate educator, and former expert witness for the state in reference to investigative procedures. He also researches and investigates human paranormal experience and locations known for spiritual or unusual activity.\\xa0\\nHe has appeared at events such as the Central Texas Paranormal Festival, Michigan Paranormal Convention, All Ireland Paracon, the Texas Para-Unity Festival, and SAGE Paracon in England to name a few.\\nBOOKS:\\nDetecting Paranormal\\nZombie Advocacy\\nThe DisOrient Express\\nHow To Be A Paranormal Detective\\nRoswell: The After-Action Report\\n\\nUnlock Strange Planet Premium at\\n\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit\\nSupport our show by becoming a premium member!'