PLUS 001 The Coronavirus: Fraudulent Data?

Published: April 18, 2020, 2:13 p.m.

b"PLUS EPISODE 001 - THE CORONAVIRUS: FRAUDULENT DATA?\\nRichard speaks with an investigative reporter about some of the questionable data concerning the Coronavirus Pandemic and the logic behind the lockdown.\\nGUEST: Jon Rappoport is the founder of No More Fake\\xa0He has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, and is the author of five books. He has written on medical fraud, deep politics, and health issues for newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe, including CBS Healthwatch, Spin, Stern and LA Weekly.The LA Weekly placed Jon's name in nomination for a Pulitzer Prize, for his interview with the president of Salvador University, where a military takeover had occurred.\\nHe's the author of several books including AIDS, Inc. Scandal of the Century;The Ownership of All Life; and The Secret Behind Secret Societies...He's also produced a massive collection of his interviews with insiders and whistleblowers available on CD-Rom...The Matrix Revealed, Exit from The Matrix, and Power Outside the Matrix.\\n\\n\\ufeff\\ufeffUnlock Strange Planet Premium at\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit\\nSupport our show by becoming a premium member!"