264 The Copper Scroll Project Pt. 1

Published: Aug. 8, 2019, 4:04 p.m.

b'PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS!\\nCrime & Trauma Scene Cleaners\\xa0is committed to helping people when tragedy strikes. Our objective is to restore safety to an environment in the most professional and discrete manner possible.\\nParanormal Contractors\\xa0- They Take Ghost and Demon Problems Seriously!\\xa0631-552-5835\\xa0paranormalcontractors@gmail.com\\nReverse Speech Radio,the only podcast in the world that is committed to bringing you "The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth."\\xa0Listen and Subscribe at reversespeechradio.libsyn.com\\n\\xa0\\nEPISODE #264\\nIn part one of a two-part series, Richard welcomes an author with a Masters Degree in Middle East Studies\\xa0to discuss how a French archaeologist discovered two brittle copper rolls on a shelf, in one of the Dead Sea caves, sparking the greatest treasure hunt in Judeo-Christian history.\\nGUEST: Shelley Neese is the Vice President of the Jerusalem Connection International, a nonprofit organization based out of Washington DC. Shelley lived and studied in Israel from 2000-2004, where she learned conversational Hebrew and received her M.A in Middle Eastern Studies from Ben Gurion University of the Negev. The high point of her studies\\u2014and first crack at investigative journalism\\u2014was her master\\u2019s thesis examining the secret, multilateral negotiations ending the 2002 siege of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. As a freelance columnist for several publications, her articles have appeared in the Jerusalem Post, Arutz Sheva, FrontPage Magazine, and more.\\nShelley has been present for the most central events in the Copper Scroll Project over the last decade, including the initial excavation at Qumran in 2009. An experienced public speaker, Shelley is on the Jewish National Fund\\u2019s Speakers Bureau. She has addressed various Jewish student groups and participated on debate panels.\\nShe is the author of The Copper Scroll Project.\\n\\nUnlock Strange Planet Premium at\\xa0https://strangeplanet.supportingcast.fm/\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices\\nSupport our show by becoming a premium member! https://strangeplanet.supportingcast.fm/'