228 UN AGENDA 21

Published: May 23, 2019, 6:37 p.m.

b'THIS EPISODE BROUGHT TO YOU BY...\\nAncient Life Oil\\xa0Organic, Non GMO CBD Oil.\\xa0Big Relief in a Little Bottle! The Ferrari of CBD products.\\n\\xa0\\nRichard speaks with a lecturer, broadcaster and author about UN Agenda 21 and whether it is a blueprint for sustainable development in the 21st century, or a sinister plot to destroy western civilization by eliminating private property and freedom of movement.\\n\\xa0\\nGuest:\\xa0\\xa0Author and lecturer Ronnie McMullen has been an on-air personality for over eleven\\xa0years.\\xa0He has always picked subjects that are not necessarily covered by mainstream\\xa0media.\\xa0Ronnie brings a magnetic energy and a devoted passion to his listeners each week as\\xa0he takes you through the theater of life.\\xa0\\xa0He focuses on how we can navigate\\xa0through this negative-themed world that is\\xa0obsessed with things rather than ideals.\\xa0Ronnie brings a diverse group of guests to the table that bring forth truths to a\\xa0sleeping society that is waking up.\\xa0\\xa0He is the founder of Ancient Life Oil.\\n\\n\\ufeffUnlock Strange Planet Premium at\\xa0https://strangeplanet.supportingcast.fm/\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices\\nSupport our show by becoming a premium member! https://strangeplanet.supportingcast.fm/'