ReWatchable Episode #246: 'Buffy' 7x13 and 'Angel' 4x11 - Slay Them in Bed

Published: Jan. 11, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

Join ReWatchable as we discuss Buffy 7×13, “The Killer in Me,” and Angel 4×11, “Soulless.” Superfans: Karen and Natalie Newbies: Kristen and Mitch Fun Facts: Mitch gets us on a Glee tangent as he rewatches the West Side Story episode while we podcast tonight. Natalie is listening to her entire CD library and is having a few Glee feelings as well. Kristen mainlined The Crown while Karen was away for Christmas and is having major Claire Foy feelings. Karen watched the first two episodes of Black Mirror and was beyond impressed with them, especially when it comes to the aspect ratio details. Buffy season 7, episode 13, “The Killer In Me”: -Synopsis -Mitch gives us his first impressions of Rat Amy’s return. -Kennedy the manipulator. -Willow may have needed a little push to get back out into the world. -Imagine if you found yourself in the body of someone you had wronged. Talk about freaky. -Rat Amy returns! -Amy is not the hero, but has a little bit of justification for her actions. Just a little. -Giles is ALIVE! A true shock. -If it was First!Giles, does he have superquads or something or does sitting on the table not count as touching things? -Poor Spike is in some serious pain thanks to the malfunctioning chip in his head. -The newbies put in their predictions for what we think Buffy’s going to do about the chip. -Favorite Scenes -Favorite Lines Angel season 4, episode 11, “Soulless”: -Synopsis -Fun fact: Sean Astin, aka Samwise Gamgee, aka Bob from Stranger Things, directed this episode. -Cordy’s character has been reduced to who she sleeps with and we are not okay with it. -Every time Connor enters a scene everything comes to a grinding halt. Ugh. -Angelus is awful/awesome and we love seeing how he affects everyone… on a story level. -Did Cordy ever intend to fufill her end of the bargain with Angelus? Or was she in full manipulation mode the whole time? -Gunn walks in on Wes and Fred post-kiss and Natalie is totally done with all of them. -Kristen gives us her pretty interesting theory as to who stole Angel’s soul. -And then Mitch gives his crack theory as well. -Favorite Scenes -Favorite Lines Listener Feedback: -Some complaints about the “dream” from last episode. -“Apocalypse Nowish” may have been a terrible episode, but it made for some great podcasting. -An interesting question about Dawn and her potential to be a slayer with her complicated origins -Wow, Lucas. Just wow. -We are both excited and a little bit sad about the end of Buffy and Angel, too. Mitch’s Musings/Kristen’s Kontemplations: –Buffy season 7, episode 14, “First Date” –Angel season 4, episode 12, “Cavalry” Contact us! Email: Twitter: @Re_Watchable Tumblr: Or in the comments below. Please rate and review us on iTunes!