ReWatchable Episode #243: 'Buffy' Episodes 7x10, 7x11 - Stake Its Ass, Buffy

Published: Dec. 22, 2017, 6:22 p.m.

Superfan: Caitlin and Maj Newbies: Mitch and Kristen Fun Facts: Kristen is so glad to have a new Sven in her life thanks to her Hypable Secret Santa, Danielle! Mitch bought a haunted bed, which is just… awesome. Maj is excited to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi. And Caitlin saw The Last Jedi, but it was blurry. :( Buffy 7×10 “Bring On the Night” and 7×11 “Showtime”: -Synopsis -Giles is back! Or is he…  -We are introduced to the remaining members of the potential Slayer line as they arrive in Sunnydale.  -Why haven’t the Scoobies called LA, just to give Angel a heads up since he has interacted with the First before?  -Buffy, Xander, and Willow seem so much older when compared to the potentials.  -Giles and Anya go to see Beljoxa’s Eye, and it tells them that Buffy’s resurrection is the cause of the First’s quest to wipe out the Slayers.  -The First predates the written word. Talk about old.  -Is Joyce actually Joyce? Or is she the First?  -Nosferatu cannot be staked, but Holy Water does the trick.  -Buffy gets her ass handed to her in their first confrontation.  -And then she declares war on the First. They’re not gonna take it…  -Eve isn’t really Eve! How many of these mistaken identity things are going to be the First?  -Can the First be two people at once? Could it be both Giles and Eve at the same time?  -Buffy, Willow, and Xander set up the Thunderdome battle to teach the potentials a lesson.  -The First decides to use the appearance of Druscilla when torturing Spike.  -Would drowning a vampire be torture? They don’t breathe, right?  -Buffy shows up and frees her Spike from his bonds.  -Favorite Scenes  -Favorite Lines Listener Feedback:  -Brittany has lots of people eager to check out her Hallmark movie recs.  -Someone is excited for the newbies to learn more about Principal Wood.  -Danielle shared our excitement for the actresses playing the potentials.  -And one listener wonders how sentimental Buffy is when it comes to all things Angel… Mitch’s Musings/Kristen’s Kontemplations:  –Angel season 4, episode 8, “Habeas Corpses”  –Buffy season 7, episode 12, “Potential” Contact us! Email: Twitter: @Re_Watchable Tumblr: Or in the comments below. Please rate and review us on iTunes!