ReWatchable Episode #215: ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ 6x03, 'Angel'3x03 - Same, Girls. Same.

Published: May 30, 2017, 8:26 p.m.

Join us as we discuss Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 6, episode 3, "After Life" and Angel season 3, episode 3, "That Old Gang of Mine." Superfans: Caitlin and Maj Newbies: Kristen and Mitch Fun Facts: Mitch stumbled across the American Ninja Warrior in downtown Denver and is saddened to hear that Stephen Amell isn't still there. Kristen is enjoying GIF wars with her brother on her new phone that now lets her have GIF wars. Maj is sweating it out in her 66 degree weather. Caitlin is mourning a life without allergies. Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 6, episode 3, "After Life": -Synopsis -We are all pleased to see Dawn guiding Buffy through life and protecting her from the loud, raucous Scooby gang. -The camera work in that moment evoked just the right feelings. -That Buffy/Spike bonding moment over the pain of clawing her way out of her grave is touching and special. -Also, he knew she wasn't the Buffybot! *swoon* -Spike is pissed and he lets Xander know it. -Xander didn't think through all the reasons Willow kept Spike in the dark, but Spike did in the mere moments he's known. -A little full circle moment from Spike helping Dawn with her resurrection spell for Joyce and wanting to keep it a secret, and now he's the one who's been left out. -Spike feels a part of the team now, and they purposefully didn't tell him. He's hurt. -Is this demon the consequence Spike was talking about, or are there greater magical consequences on the horizon? -When Buffy saw the pictures change: Demon or resurrection side effect? -MOTW: Thaumogenesis demon (not a hell dimension hitchhiker) -This side effect demon is another sign of just how unnatural this spell was. -The demon is not just punishing Willow & Co., but is berating Willow for the evils she committed just to get the ingredients for the spell. -Buffy wasn't in hell, like they all think she was. -She chooses to share her knowledge of a heaven-like afterlife with Spike, but keeps it from everyone else. -Her friends are the ones who ended that peace. -This explains why Willow & Co. chose to leave Giles out of things. If Giles had been consulted, they may have left her dead. -Foreshadowing is fun. -A few thoughts about Xander and Spike's relationship and the hypocrisy there. -Favorite Scenes -Favorite Lines Angel season 3, episode 3, "That Old Gang of Mine": -Synopsis -Note: This episode was initially supposed to be aired as the second episode, but they switched it. -Even the writer of this episode didn't like it. -We definitely didn't expect Angel to be talking to Merl in the opening scene. -Angel's sincerity can be measured by the gift he brings you. -Poor Merl. -Gunn figures out who is killing these demons before anyone else. It's his old crew. -Gio is horrible and we hated him. -Gunn makes some hard decisions in this episode. -Gio and the gang have adopted the black and white philosophy that we noticed was missing on Buffy this week. -Caitlin doesn't hate this episode as much. There's a lot going on here. -It was nice to see Gunn taking the lead role in the episode. -Cordy and the Carnitas ladies are definitely the highlight of the episode. -Angel and Gunn have a moment and Angel makes sure they know what his wishes are regarding him turning back into Angelus. -The themes of this episode are great, the execution just wasn't all there. -Favorite Scenes -Favorite Lines Listener Feedback: -We have a delightful email full of puns and Avatar references. -And another listener has a couple of adulting questions that came to him while watching the last few episodes of Buffy. Mitch's Musings/Kristen's Kontemplations: –Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 6, episode 4, "Flooded" –Angel season 3, episode 4, "Carpe Noctem" Contact us! Email: Twitter: @Re_Watchable Tumblr: Or in the comments below. Please rate and review us on iTunes!