Episode #84 - 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' - 2x17, 2x18 - Sokka's dead girlfriends

Published: Nov. 30, 2014, 6 p.m.


\\nReWatchable is back to recap and discuss Avatar: The Last Airbender season 2, episode 17, "Lake Laogai," and episode 18, "The Earth King."
Superfans: Donya. Newbies: Brittany, Karen, and Ariana.
\\nAvatar: The Last Airbender season 2, episode 17, \\u201cLake Laogai\\u201d:
\\n-Was Katara right to distrust Jet from the beginning?
\\n-Wait, is Suki dead?
\\n-Will we see mind-healing again?
\\n-Should the Dai Li be better fighters?
\\n-The Joo-Dees are so creepy.
\\n-Nickelodeon wouldn\'t let them say, "He\'s dying."
\\n-Did we think Long Feng was dead?
\\n-What\'s up with Zuko lately?
\\n-We objectify Zuko for a while.
\\n-Favorite scenes.
\\n-Favorite lines.
\\nAvatar: The Last Airbender season 2, episode 18, \\u201cThe Earth King":
\\n-Long Feng is a dick-tator.
\\n-Nothing bad will happen! ...yeah, right.
\\n-Is it possible to get a fever from a big life decision?
\\n-"There\'s nothing quite like revenge."
\\n-Passive aggressive scarves. It\'s a thing.
\\n-What would we like to happen to the Earth King?
\\n-Was this a good time for Aang to tell Katara about his feelings?
\\n-Will Sokka\'s reunion with his father be a good one?
\\n-Can Toph get out of the metal box?
\\n-Azula and co. did what no one else has done before.
\\n-Will Katara be able to recognize Azula in her Kyoshi Warrior makeup?
\\n-Favorite scenes.
\\n-Favorite lines.
\\nListener feedback
\\n-Mark Hamill is in everything.
\\n-Throwback to Pushing Daisies.
\\n-Sad Iroh fan art.
\\n-Why did the Dai Li start to begin with?
\\n-Toph and Katara\'s girl\'s day out.
\\n-Karen\'s Sephora adventures.
\\nContact us!

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