Episode #83 - 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' - 2x15, 2x16 - Everyone is dead

Published: Nov. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.


\\nReWatchable is back to recap and discuss Avatar: The Last Airbender season 2, episode 15, "Tales of Ba Sing Se," and episode 16, "Appa\'s Lost Days."
Superfans: Natalie and Michal. Newbies: Ariana and Brittany.
\\nAvatar: The Last Airbender season 2, episode 15, \\u201cTales of Ba Sing Se\\u201d:
\\n-Is the Gaang slacking?
\\n-What do we think of Katara and Toph\'s spa day?
\\n-Aang shaves his head. This is important.
\\n-We feel bad that Katara and Toph beat up the mean girls... but also good.
\\n-Iroh\'s tale is sad in a beautiful way
\\n-"In memory of Mako."
\\n-The Tale of Aang: Animals and Moral Issues
\\n-Aang uses Brittany\'s last hall pass
\\n-Was this episode filler?
\\n-Sokka\'s rhyming haikus are awesome
\\n-Food, girls... or poetry
\\n-The Tale of Paranoid: Zuko
\\n-Zuko and Jin and sweet, but not super smart
\\n-Our imagination starts to run away with us
\\n-Momo continues the Sad Animal Parade
\\n-Which Tales were our favorite?
\\n-Favorite scenes and lines.
\\nAvatar: The Last Airbender season 2, episode 16, \\u201cAppa\'s Lost Days":
\\n-Deep breaths, everyone
\\n-Was this episode surprising?
\\n-It\'s a trail of pain
\\n-What happened to Suki???
\\n-Kill the Evil Circus Guy!
\\n-Appa: The Last Cabbagebender
\\n-Does this episode hurt too much?
\\n-Dangerous ladies vs. Suki!
\\n-And then it got sad again
\\n-What do we think of the Guru?
\\n-Appa gets kidnapped again!
\\n-Sokka is cursed
\\n-Obligatory Powerpuff Girls reference
\\n-Favorite scenes and lines
\\nListener feedback
\\n-The Dumbledore Question
\\n-Confusion reigns
\\nHappy birthday, Ariana!

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